Friday, February 1, 2019


The Salesianos’ school from Ibi hosts in the week from the 27th of january to the 2nd of february a group of 17 students and 6 teachers from two german schools (Colonia and Herzogenrath) and one finnish school (Parainen) on the project Erasmus+ MOVE: Be a learning hero.

This is the last meeting of students and teachers on this project, wich tries to make the people learn by the using of the movement, a healthy lifestyle and the new technologies.
On these working days, the students had been editing the videos that they had been working on the videos they had been preparing since the other meetings, doing the dubbling of them in english and creating a blog in wich they want to stating constancy of all the work thay have been doing in the two years of duration of this project.

The ending of the project will be at Ibi on the month of may, where the teachers will be meet for the last time to evaluate the working of the students and the results.
It has been a really useful experience for all the families who hosted  someone and the teachers and students who have been working really hard.

This kind of projects supported by the European Union are really important and useful as they make easier the integration between nations from a very young age, they feed the interculturality between lots of different countries and the tolerance of the differences, promoting an european identity, beyond the borders
- Diana Gomez, Ibi, Spain

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